
2024/09/16 Indo­ne­si­an evening with Jim­my from Jakarta

Yes­ter­day at the Grand Hyatt in Ber­lin we met for a smo­ke. We had the plea­su­re and the gre­at honor of hos­ting Jim­my the Cig­ar­man from Jakar­ta, Indo­ne­sia. Jim­my is the vice pre­si­dent of the Indo­ne­si­an chap­ter and brought us a sel­ec­tion of new Indo­ne­si­an cigars. We were able to try them befo­re they are pre­sen­ted at the world’s lar­gest tob­ac­co trade fair, Inter­Ta­bak in Dort­mund, start­ing on Sep­tem­ber 19th. Thank you Jim­my for this won­derful evening.

Our exclu­si­ve club cigar has seen the light of day!

We are proud to pre­sent our Robus­to 52 x 5 to you today. After many impon­der­a­bles and end­less tastings, it is rea­dy and will pro­ba­b­ly arri­ve at the end of Novem­ber. It is an excep­tio­nal­ly aro­ma­tic Nica­ra­gu­an Puro. The beau­tiful dark, slight­ly oily, shi­ny wrap­per comes from the famous fields around Este­li. The cap at the head end is artful­ly twis­ted into a “pig­tail”. The fil­ler was blen­ded from par­ti­cu­lar­ly aro­ma­tic, sun-ripen­ed Lige­ro lea­ves, i.e. from the upper part of the plant, and the rich Sec­co lea­ves from the midd­le part. The­se tob­ac­co lea­ves were allo­wed to matu­re for a full nine years and went through a mul­ti-stage, very com­plex fermentation.

Our thanks go to our mem­ber Sven @der_lorenzi, who initia­ted and actively sup­port­ed this pro­ject and now also orga­ni­zes distribution.

Now we have tried the pro­to­ty­pes of the regu­lar pro­duc­tion of our exclu­si­ve club cigar. We put tog­e­ther the blend of our Robus­to 52x5 our­sel­ves and the­r­e­fo­re knew rough­ly what to expect.

It was a joy to hold this per­fect­ly craf­ted cigar with its sil­ky, shi­ny Madu­ro wrap­per in our hands. The cold cigar smells of cho­co­la­te, cof­fee and hay. It starts off a litt­le pep­pery with volu­mi­nous, cre­a­my smo­ke. After a few puffs, the pep­pery aro­mas dis­ap­peared com­ple­te­ly and made way for the typi­cal sweet and flo­ral Madu­ro aro­mas. From the second third onwards, aro­mas of espres­so and dark cho­co­la­te beca­me more pro­no­un­ced. In the last third, more and more sweet­ness was added. The burn and the draw resis­tance were per­fect. Very solid, light gray ash. A gre­at, typi­cal Madu­ro smo­ke of a good 45 minutes.It is expec­ted to arri­ve in Novem­ber this year and you can alre­a­dy reser­ve a box from our mem­ber and tob­ac­co­nist Sven. Later, when the cigars are in stock, you can also order them indi­vi­du­al­ly. The indi­vi­du­al cigar will cost € 9.50 and the box of 20 will cost € 184.30.

Our exclu­si­ve dea­ler: Sven Lorenz in Munich:


Spon­ta­neous pre-Christ­mas smoke

At Hemmy’s Cigar Lounge

On Satur­day our mem­ber Tobi­as @papadorty orga­ni­zed a spon­ta­neous pre-Christ­mas club smo­ke at our fri­end Hem­my Gar­cia in Ber­lin-Fronau. We were able to try the Hemmy’s from the new deli­very that had just arrived.

We had an enter­tai­ning and enjoya­ble smo­ke. Thanks Tobias!


2nd Mem­bers Mee­ting in Berlin

Members Meeting in Berlin
v.l.t.r.: Sven, Hem­my, Max, Rijol

The Ash Hole Cigar Club Ger­ma­ny visi­ted Hem­my Gar­cia in May 2023. The nati­ve Cuban and Ber­li­ner by choice enter­tai­ned us pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and amusin­gly with infor­ma­ti­on about his own cigar brand “Hemmy’s”. We were also allo­wed to tas­te his cigars and his rum, which was crea­ted accor­ding to his per­so­nal reci­pe. Hem­my is an enter­tai­ning and char­ming host, which we real­ly enjoyed.

Also pre­sent were Sven @der_lorenzi from Munich, who orga­ni­zed the mee­ting, and Rijol @cigarlifestyle_gent_bielefeld, who had tra­ve­led all the way from Bie­le­feld. Our Cap­tain Max, respon­si­ble for ever­y­thing to do with gas­tro­no­my, coo­king and enjoy­ment, was the­re for the first time and was able to talk about his inter­na­tio­nal career.

Members Meeting in Berlin
v.l.t.r.: Joerg, Rijol, Sven, Hem­my, Tobi­as, Max


Carlos „Carlito“ P. Fuente, Jr.
Car­los „Car­li­to“ P. Fuen­te, Jr.

As the newest inter­na­tio­nal mem­ber of the glo­bal Ash Hole Cigar Club, Car­los “Car­li­to” P. Fuen­te, Jr., Chair­man and visio­na­ry of Arturo Fuen­te, has been endor­sed by our club’s Foun­ding Fathers.

James Stone, co-owner of Ash Hole Cigar Group:
“It is an extra­or­di­na­ry honor and pri­vi­le­ge to have you in our family!!”

Car­li­to Fuen­te:
“So proud to be in the fami­ly and to be a huge sup­port­er of the Inter­na­tio­nal Ash Hole Cigar Club.… The secret fami­ly we trust!”

The Arturo Fuen­te com­pa­ny began in 1912 when Carlito’s grand­fa­ther star­ted rol­ling cigars in the fami­ly kit­chen and sel­ling them out the back door. Today, 100 years later, Arturo Fuen­te pro­du­ces and sells around 30 mil­li­on cigars a year.

We are also proud of our new mem­ber and hap­py to have him in our midst!


Die neue Zentrale des Ash Hole Cigar Clubs in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
The new Ash Hole Cigar Club head­quar­ters on the 18th and 19th flo­ors in Phoe­nix, Arizona

To reflect the suc­cess of the AHCC, the new head­quar­ters were built in down­town Phoe­nix. This also allows us to dri­ve future growth plans for the club.


Cigar Association of America

The Cigar Asso­cia­ti­on of Ame­ri­ca (CAA) announ­ced the addi­ti­on of two new mem­bers: Best Cigar Pri­ces and Ash Hole Cigar Club.

CAA Pre­si­dent David Ozgo noted, “I am exci­ted to wel­co­me both and Ash Hole Cigar Club to CAA. They are both excep­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons and we look for­ward to working with them.”

Ash Hole Cigar Club is a club that has 40 affi­lia­tes in the U.S. and 22 in other count­ries, with a total mem­ber­ship of around 500,000. The club was star­ted in 2015 by Deon­ce Evans, Chi­co Edwards and James Stone. The club was begun as a way to bring a diver­se group of peo­p­le tog­e­ther who enjoy cigars.

Mr. Evans noted, “We star­ted Ash Hole as a way to bring peo­p­le tog­e­ther for fel­low­ship, plea­sant con­ver­sa­ti­on and good cigars. Our club sup­ports our mem­bers’ hob­by, and I see our CAA mem­ber­ship as sup­port­ing and pro­tec­ting our mem­bers’ right to enjoy a good cigar. CAA repres­ents the manu­fac­tu­r­ers, sup­pli­ers and retail­ers that bring us the ter­ri­fic cigars that we so much enjoy.”


First Int’l Meeting

International Meeting with the Indonesien Chapter
Inter­na­tio­nal Mee­ting with the Indo­ne­si­en Chapter

That was a big day for us in Ber­lin. We had a visit from Jim­my and his love­ly wife. Not only is Jim­my the Vice Pre­si­dent of the Indo­ne­si­an Chap­ter, but he also has a num­ber of his own cigar brands in Indo­ne­sia. And best of all, he brought us some from his pro­duc­tion. We were allo­wed to enjoy them in the exclu­si­ve smo­king lounge of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Berlin.

In addi­ti­on to a cigar shop in Jakar­ta, Jim­my has a high-tech busi­ness that pro­ces­ses fiber optic dielec­tric cables. One of the­se cables has the desi­gna­ti­on “G655.C” and that’s what he named his brand of cigars that he brought to us. We will try them in a lar­ger group today and of cour­se report to you.

Thanks Jim­my for this love­ly and infor­ma­ti­ve evening.

Int'l Meeting


First club mee­ting of the Ger­man chap­ter in Düsseldorf

1st Chaptermeeting

On Satur­day the time had final­ly come, the first mem­bers’ mee­ting of our Ger­man chap­ter. We met in Patri­cia and Marc Benden’s beau­tiful cigar lounge in Düs­sel­dorf. “Cigar­world” defi­ni­te­ly lives up to its name. We immer­sed our­sel­ves in the gre­at world of tob­ac­co in its most beau­tiful form. The pro­fes­sio­nal Cigar­world crew reser­ved a cozy and tas­teful­ly fur­nis­hed sepa­ra­te club room for our mee­ting. The Cigar­world humi­dor left not­hing to be desi­red and so we were able to try some­thing new and valued. We made ple­nty of use of the lavish offer and had a lot of fun doing it.

Some of the mem­bers came from far away. Many thanks to the mem­bers who tra­ve­led to Düs­sel­dorf from Bie­le­feld, Müns­ter, Frank­furt and Ber­lin and con­tri­bu­ted to the suc­cess of this spe­cial event. We had a gre­at after­noon with inte­res­t­ing con­ver­sa­ti­ons and of cour­se some excel­lent cigars. Our smo­kes drag­ged on until later in the evening. And we were also able to win a new mem­ber for our chapter.

If you want to plan such an event in your regi­on and know a nice loca­ti­on, you should cont­act us. We would be hap­py to plan a regio­nal mee­ting at your place and help with the implementation.

in June 2022

From now on you can pre-order our club’s new medal — a repli­ca of the crest of our 13 foun­ding mem­bers — on the home­page of our mother chap­ter It cos­ts $85 plus post­age, duties and sales tax. The medal comes with a clear acrylic stand. Only a limi­t­ed edi­ti­on is available.

Coat of arms of our 13 foun­ding members

We are proud to pre­sent our club crest to you. This crest sym­bo­li­zes our fami­ly tree and history.

Coat Of Arms Medallion Rohguss
Coat Of Arms Medal­li­on: raw casting

The raw cas­ting shows the details accor­ding to the exact design of the coat of arms. The next step is poli­shing, black nickel pla­ting and ena­mel paint.

Detail Enamel Color
Detail Ena­mel Color

The pro­to­ty­pe gets the finis­hing tou­ch­es by app­ly­ing the ena­mel colors. Then the­re is the green light for production.

The medal is almost squa­re with a side length of almost 14cm, lar­ger than the palm of a hand.

in July 2021

Our Tri­une Club Medal

Tri­une could be trans­la­ted as tri­ni­ty, or con­sis­ting of three in one.

Alt­hough the club star­ted with 13 mem­bers, only 3 have remain­ed true to its ori­gi­nal mis­si­on over the years. The Tri­une Medal repres­ents loyal­ty, respect, honor and dedi­ca­ti­on to this club.

Triune Club-Medaille
Tri­une Club-Medaille

The design is based on the pain­ting done in 2015 by tat­too air­brush artist Paul Coll­ins in Tuc­son, Arizona.

Das handgemalte Kunstwerk von Paul Collins
The hand pain­ted art­work by Paul Collins

The Tri­une is available in chro­me and gold. The gold ver­si­on is reser­ved for board members.

Die Guß-Form für die Triune-Medaille ist bereits ein Meisterwerk
The cas­ting mold for the Tri­une Medal is alre­a­dy a masterpiece

This limi­t­ed edi­ti­on of the mold for the Tri­une medal is alre­a­dy a mas­ter­pie­ce. The medal is unfort­u­na­te­ly out of print and will pro­ba­b­ly not be reissued.

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