
The young history of our Ash Hole Cigar Club

Board of Direc­tors sin­ce Janu­ary 2024

In 2015, 13 fri­ends and cigar smo­kers in Ari­zo­na, USA got tog­e­ther and deci­ded to found a cigar smo­kers club.

Ash Hole Cigar Club: The Begiinig

Over the years, only 3 of tho­se foun­ding mem­bers stay­ed true to the idea. The­se, our “Foun­ding Fathers” are Chi­co Edwards (COO), Dee Evans (CEO) and James Stone (CFO).

Our Founding Fathers
Our Foun­ding Fathers

In 2019, the expan­si­on and thus the foun­ding of chap­ters was deci­ded. This led to the sepa­ra­ti­on of some mem­bers who did not want to sup­port this decis­i­on. Dee Evans: “I had to lea­ve the Nay Say­ers behind and con­ti­nue on with my dream. Ash Hole Cigar Club is going nationwide.”

In Febru­ary 2019 the time had come. The first out-of-sta­te chap­ter was for­med in New Eng­land by new­ly appoin­ted chap­ter pre­si­dent Al Dentremont.

With the for­ma­ti­on of the first natio­nal chap­ter in New Eng­land, the Ash Hole Cigar Club ente­red a new era and left some of the nay­say­ers and hope­l­ess pes­si­mists behind. The club was now geared towards expansion.

In March 2019, the cur­rent Seni­or Board Direc­tor of our Mother Chap­ter, Hen­ry Velo­za, foun­ded the Cali­for­nia Chapter.

Vice President Henry Veloza
Seni­or Board Direc­tor Hen­ry Veloza

The Tennesse/North Caro­li­na chap­ters fol­lo­wed, and the first non-Ame­ri­can chap­ter in Mexi­co in April 2019.

Inter­na­tio­na­li­ty pro­gres­sed rapidly with the foun­ding of the French chap­ter in May 2019. Nica­ra­gua, Bel­gi­um and the natio­nal Ame­ri­can chap­ters in Texas, West Vir­gi­nia and Ohio followed.

And in July 2019 it hap­pen­ed. La Toshia Bur­se, the cur­rent Seni­or Board Direc­tor of our Mother Chap­ter, beca­me the first woman in the AHCC to take over as Pre­si­dent the Texas Chap­ter in July 2019.

President La Toshia Burse
Seni­or Board Direc­tor La Toshia Burse

Illi­nois, Scot­land, Cana­da, Ken­tu­cky, Flo­ri­da and Colo­ra­do fol­lo­wed. This rapid deve­lo­p­ment in 2019 made the AHCC the #1 Cigar Club 2019 in America.

In 2020, the start-ups con­tin­ued at a rapid pace, both natio­nal­ly and internationally.

On May 1st, 2021 our Ger­man chap­ter was foun­ded. The mother chap­ter ent­rus­ted Joerg from Ber­lin with foun­ding the chap­ter as pre­si­dent. One of the foun­ding mem­bers is our Vice Pre­si­dent Tim and our Cap­tain Max.

Unser Präsident Jörg mit unserem Cubhund Otto
Our Ger­man Chap­ter Pre­si­dent Joerg with our club dog Otto
Our Vice President Tim
Our Vice Pre­si­dent Tim
Our Captain Max
Our Cap­tain Max

We are mem­ber of the

Umbrel­la Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man
Cigar & Gentlemen’s Clubs

Our first full mem­ber and at the same time the nor­t­hern­most one came from Nie­buel. Our num­e­rous mem­bers are now spread all over Ger­ma­ny and the num­ber is gro­wing every day.

(click on the map to enlar­ge) This is whe­re our mem­bers enjoy their cigars
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